How do you help people find their faith?

The other day I did the funeral for Miss Elizabeth Rhodes (aka Betty).  Her nephew, Nick, is a film director who lives in Austin.  He had a great voice when reading scripture and as the family walked to the grave site, I found myself wanting to ask Nick where he learned to read so well.  I discovered he was an actor and now a director and his mother is a Juilliard trained opera singer and she taught him the importance of breathing.

As we walked along he asked me a question, since we were sharing professional opinions on a subject matter.  He asked, "How do you help people find their faith?"

I asked him why he asked that question.

He replied that many of his friends are okay with religion as a whole but are agnostic of in his term "faith-less", that he wanted to know how or if he could help his friends (who want to believe there is More).

I have an answer to this question which I gave to him, but I wanted to know if any of you who read this might be willing to supply a response?

How do you help people find their faith?