Risking Community
Rev. Annie Arnoldy
“Risking community” means that my theology does not stand in the way of knowing who you are. My thoughts on abortion or immigration or homosexuality are not more important than my ability to see Christ in you. My thoughts on abortion or immigration or homosexuality are not more important than my ability to see Christ in you. And my inability to communicate with you means I need to work on that skill, not that you don’t have anything valuable to say.
We can judge and demonize each other so much easier than we can learn to love each other.
You can choose that path because it keeps you safe. But, I'd rather you risk community with me. I'd rather follow Jesus with you. I'd rather continue my journey with The United Methodist Church because we have a true community. Our Book of Discipline represents the way we risk community. There are parts I don't agree with and parts you don't agree with. But overall, I believe in it - I believe in us."