
KIVA + UMC = UMC Connection

His name is Jonathan Bell and he works at Church of the Resurrection (CoRO. The past several years Mr. Bell has been working to create a microlending platform. Specifically leveraging the UMC inter-connectivity, the local relationships the UMC has in developing areas, the brand identity of the cross and flame (as well as CoR), Mr. Bell and his team have created a working prototype called the "UMC Connection" umcmicrofinance.org.

This working prototype has not only proven itself to be successful, Mr. Bell and his team are raising capital ($150,000) to build a new platform, hire staff and expand. 

So if you are a person who believes in the work of microfinance and what it has and can do to transform lives or if you are a person new to microfinance and have been waiting for a more established organization like the UMC to get in the game, I hope you would consider creating a profile on umcmicrofinance.org and make a $25 loan to someone who is just on the cusp of transformation.

I was made aware of this project by Rev. Dawne Phillips of the Central Texas Conference. She asked if I would be willing to do a little more research into this project and share any recommendations. In an effort to promote this project that I believe in, I created this five page summary report. If you are interested to read more about the specifics (average loan, default rates, field partners, etc.) feel free to download, read and share.