
Can we stop fighting terrorism?

My friend Rev. Lance Marshal  is a much better preacher than I am (as well a better academic,  much more creative, thought provoking and all around a better person). A few weeks ago in a sermon after the Paris attacks he spoke about terrorism. Specifically he drew the parallel to terrorism as cancer. 

In his sermon Season Of Saints: The Way of Healing on November 14, at minute mark 25 Lance fleshes out this metaphor. 

If you don't listen to it, you are missing out on some of the best 5 minutes of preaching. Take time to listen to it. 

Seriously, the last 90 seconds is a prayer so if you only have 3:30 minutes take it to listen to Lance. 

When you do you will hear Lance, a cancer survivor himself, talks about cancer as something that is to be cured despite it is something we talk about "fighting". If it is true that if all of humanity being one body of Christ, then when we "fight" terrorism with more pain, terror and bombs, we are only fighting ourselves. Like cancer, terrorism is not anything you can "fight" or "beat" it is something that can only be cured.