
Why am I talking with a Seminary Dean?

Not long ago I was able to sit down with Dr. Joretta Marshall the Dean at Brite Divinity School. In the conversation she touches on themes such as:

  • Why we should not forgive and forget
  • Do we need to forgive God?
  • How to forgive without being held hostage to the past
  • Why forgiveness is not something we do to achieve a prescribed outcome, regardless of the nobility of the outcome (such as reconciliation)

This is my first attempt at recording and interviewing so you can imagine that the first three minutes are a little slow, but I promise it picks up! 

Thank you to Dr. Marshall and I look forward to hearing more from her in the Three Day Academy for Spiritual Formation in February 2017 (register to join with me here)!

TEDRadio Hour + Spiritual Formation = From the Well

The Academy for Spiritual Formation is something that I highly recommend. I am not a graduate of the two-year academy, but I am honored to be a part of a leadership team for the North Texas 5 Day Academy for Spiritual Formation

It is a joy that the Academy has finally been in a position to catalogue years of lectures on spiritual formation and pull them together in a TEDRadio Hour like podcast. I have listened to all four of them so far. I hope you take time to listen to at least one of them. So far my favorite episodes are #2 and #1. You can find it on iTunesSoundcloud, or Stitcher.