There are a number of seemingly intuitive myths that operate in our culture. One of those myths is that we give too much support to those who are unemployed. The idea is that if you give someone an unemployment check for any period of time, then "those people" become addicted to the handouts and you remove the incentive for people to find a job. So the policy becomes we ought to cut unemployment benefits because we are just 'enabling' people.
Whelp, that is just crazy talk to me. I sit and listen to people talk about being so depressed and at a low in their life when they are unemployed for long periods of time. Depression sets in. Suicide attempts increase. People feel hopeless and helpless. The only thing that is keeping them able to pay the bills, and thus focused on looking for work, is a meager unemployment check. At least with that money that comes in through social services gives a sense that someone cares about them. Society cares about you even if you are not in a position to "produce" at this time due to there being 5 people for every 1 job opening or the fact that some businesses are adopting a "do not hire the unemployed" policy.
Then this little study comes across the interwebs:
Whelp, that is just crazy talk to me. I sit and listen to people talk about being so depressed and at a low in their life when they are unemployed for long periods of time. Depression sets in. Suicide attempts increase. People feel hopeless and helpless. The only thing that is keeping them able to pay the bills, and thus focused on looking for work, is a meager unemployment check. At least with that money that comes in through social services gives a sense that someone cares about them. Society cares about you even if you are not in a position to "produce" at this time due to there being 5 people for every 1 job opening or the fact that some businesses are adopting a "do not hire the unemployed" policy.
Then this little study comes across the interwebs:
It is this sort of counter-intuitive news that, in my understanding of the message of Jesus, is congruent with the Biblical witness. Jesus is constantly sharing news with people (we call it Good News) that sounds like crazy talk.
Equal wages for all.
Love the enemy.
Self-sacrifice is the way to life.
"Sinners" will see the Kingdom of God before the righteous.
In order to lead we must serve.
Give to Caesar what is Caesar and give to God what is Gods.
Leave 99 sheep to find 1.
Throw a party when you find all your coins.
Peacemakers are blessed.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter into the Kingdom.
Care for another is care for God.
Sharing can create an abundance of bread and fish.
The king invites to the party those who society believes to be 'hell bound sinners'.
Forgiveness of crushing debt.
Forgiveness to those who blow the inheritance.
Jesus is constantly proclaiming a counter-intuitive message. Sharing with people that, that which they think is reality is in fact a myth that holds little water.
Providing benefits to the unemployed sounds counter intuitive.
Some say they are not comfortable giving people something they did not earn or work for.
Christianity calls that Grace.