My young adult has left the Church (part 2)

This is a little series of posts I put out in 2010, at the time they were helpful for a number of people, I hope that continues to be true today.

Not that anyone has been waiting with baited breath on these next thoughts, but I did want to continue to share the things I have heard to be helpful for parents of young adults who have left the church or Christianity. If you did not get a chance to read the first part of the conversation you can find part one just below this post. Here is another action to consider...

Share your Story in your local church or small groups. I promise there is someone else in your groups who share your story (albeit will different characters and little nuances). I had a parent tell me about their son leaving church and the next Sunday another parent in the same Sunday School class told me of their son leaving church. The thing was, neither parent knew about the other and how similar their stories were! When you share your story you will not only find others who share your feelings, but you will also give courage to others around you to talk about things which might have once been taboo. When you share your story you help break down the plastic faces we have been taught to bring to church (by the way, these plastic faces are what many young people are rejecting). Share your Story.