Looking out each others bunghole...

Jerry Chism tells this story about a preacher who wanted to illustrate to the congergation that we need to be willing to walk a mile in another's shoes. Apparently this "walking" analogy was not good enough and the preacher created another.

In the middle of his sermon he feels he is loosing the congergation's attention or that he is speaking over their heads, so he pulls an image out to help articultate his point. He said we all live in our own barrel and in order to see the world we look out of the hole in the barrel. For those of you who do not know the hole in a barrel which holds liquid is called a bunghole. So we all are living and looking at the world through our own bunghole. What I need to do is get into you barrel and look out your bunghole and you need to get into my barrel and look out through my bunghole.

The preacher was dead serious.

Just a story to share.