Stained glass and you

Many a sanctuaries have stained glass with different stories or saints depicted on them. These are great images and most of the time we focus on what these images show or teach us when we look at them. Let me share a bit that I brought up to our children this past Sunday about stained glass.

The beautiful stories of stained glass are only made visible when the light shines through them. Could it be that our eyes are like stained glass. That is, when people look into our eyes they see the beautiful stories of our life. 

It is the work and hope of the Christian that when people look into our eyes they would see not our own stories but the stories of Christ. It is our work and hope that we allow the Light of Christ to shine from within us so that when people look into our eyes they would see the beauty of God.​

It is our work and hope that our eyes may be stained glass.​