The day Jesus saved his mother from death

One can imagine that as Jesus grew up he heard the story about how his father treated his mother. He heard the story of an underclass, underprivileged woman caught up in a potential scandal of the sexual sort. She is scared and potentially cast out of society. Rather than being thrown out of society and killed, she is saved and redeemed all because of the actions of one man. 

Jesus is told, perhaps every year, about the time that Joseph did not cast out his "scandalous" mother. And one can imagine that story affected Jesus and shaped him for years to come. 

One has to wonder if the story of Joseph treating Mary affected Jesus when he was confronted with the woman caught in adultery

The crowd brings forth an underclass, underprivileged woman caught up in a potential scandal of the sexual sort. She is scared and potentially cast out of society. All eyes are on Jesus and one can only imagine that Jesus was thinking, "I have heard this story before."

And one can imagine that as soon as Jesus looks at this woman his lips involuntarily said, "Mom?" 

One can imagine that the way Joseph treated Mary affected the way Jesus treated the woman caught in adultery. Which is why, in some sense, this was the day that Jesus saved his mother.